Deleuzian Critique of Freudian Conception of Desire


  • Amjad Ali


This research paper aims to explicate the Deleuzian criti que of Freudian concepti on of desire.Freud explains desire in terms of lack and privati on. He tends to determine the behavior of individual through fi ndings of suppressed unconscious desire. Freud contextualizes repressedsexual desire under the cover of Oedipus complex and clinical case studies. Deleuze disagreedwith the Freudian interpretati on of desire passing through Oedipus complex and clinical case studies. For Deleuze, Freud fabricates the illegiti mate connecti ons of desire by tagging the oedipal triangle and fi xed identi ti es. He says, Freudian psychoanalysis imprisons desire andblocks the producti ve nature of desiring fl ows. Deleuze att empts to de-sexualize and de-personalizedesire by exploring the nomadic, schizophrenic, producti ve and free-fl oati ng connections of desire. He believes upon the immanent functi on of desire rather than transcendent.Deleuze identi fi es fi ve paralogisms i.e. (invalid arguments) in the Freudian psychoanalysis.Deleuzian criti que seeks to liberate desire from closed family circle and identi ti es assigned by Freud.


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