Peer Review Policy

The authors are required to submiVupload their manuscripts on the Market Forces On1ine
Journal System (OJS). The authors who send their manuscripts to the Market Forces editorial
board are advised to upload their manuscripts on OJS. Initially, the editorial office assesses
the manuscript for its appropriateness, qualrty, and plagiarism. If the manuscript is not
appropriate for publication in terms of quality and content, the manuscript is desk-rejected.
Furthermore, if the manuscript does not conform to the journal's criteria of plagiarism, it is
retumed to the authors with the advice to reduce the similarity index before re-submission.
The editorial office sends the manuscripts of required quality and acceptable similarity index
for double-blind peer review. The manuscript is sent to at least one foreign reviewer and one
local reviewer. The reviewers can reject the manuscripts or suggests major or minor changes.
Upon receiving the comments from the reviewers, the editorial office either rejects the
manuscript or sends the comments to the corresponding author for making the suggested
changes. The corresponding author must then resubmit the revised manuscript by
incorporating the recommended changes, which the editorial office further processes. The
final authority to accept or reject a manuscript lies with the editorial office. The flow chart for
the peer review process is presented below: