Correction and Retraction of Research Articles

Once a manuscript is published, no changes can be made unless in exceptional circumstances. Corrections may be allowed to rectify unintentional mistakes and technical errors in the published papers. The published papers may be retracted if there is clear evidence of fraudulent/unethical practices. The copyright infringement or non-disclosure of conflict interest may also result in retraction of the published papers. The decision of correction or retraction will be made on case to case basis as per the policy. The decision of the editorial board with regard to correction or retraction will be final and cannot be challenged.

Market Forces have adopted the guidelines suggested by the COPE for Retraction Policy.

Correction by Authors

  1. After uploading the articles, the authors can make corrections when the editorial office sends them the reviewers' reports.
  2. The authors can also edit the first dummy copy, which the editorial office sends to them. After that, we do not allow any correction in the manuscript.
  3. In exceptional cases, we may allow minor changes after the manuscript is uploaded on the Market Forces webpage but before printing the hard copy of the journal.

Retraction by Authors

  1. The authors have the right to retract their articles from the time of submission and before publication.
  2. However, Market Forces may consider retraction after publication in special circumstancesif any author or a person reports a serious unethical practice. In such a case, the editorial office forms a special committee to review the case.

Retraction by the Publisher (Market Forces)

  1. The editorial team of the Market Forces can retract a published article if they receive irrefutable evidence suggesting unreliable findings. Factors that can contribute to unreliable findings are (i) miscalculation or experimental error, (ii) fabrication of data, or falsification of images or results.

  2. The published articles have high plagiarism. At the time of publication, the editorial team checks the similarity index, but its plagiarism index can increase in the future if the authors resubmit the same article with minor changes in another journal. If the plagiarism has increased due to some other authors, we may not retract the article.

  3. The editorial team might retract a published article if the authors' disclosure were not correct or the authors have infringed copyrights.