Social Media in Virtual Marketing: Antecedents to Electronic Word of Mouth Communication


  • Dr. Tariq Jalees
  • Huma Tariq
  • Syed Imran Zaman
  • S. Hasnain A. Kazmi


Social media usage in the world and especially in Pakistan has a high growth due to which it (social media) has a potential of becoming an effective marketing tool. Despite its compar-atively low cost and significance, marketers are not effectively utilizing social media. Thus the aim of this study is to measure the influence (effect) of four social variables: social capital, trust, homophily and interpersonal influence on electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communi-cation. The sample size for the study is 300 and preselected enumerator's collected the data from the leading shopping malls of the city. Although the scales and measures adopted for this study have been earlier validated in oth-er countries, however the same were re-ascertained on the present set of data. After prelimi-nary analysis including normality and validity the overall model was tested through Structural Equation Model (SEM). This was carried out in two stages - initially CFA for all the constructs was ascertained which was followed by CFA of the overall model. Developed conceptual framework was empirically tested on the present set of data in Pa-kistan which adequately explained consumer attitudinal behavior towards electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communication. Three hypotheses failed to be rejected and one was rejected. Trust was found to be the strongest predictor of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communi-cation, followed by homophily and social capital. Interpersonal influence has no relationship with electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communication. The results were consistent to earlier literature. Implication for markers was drawn from the results.Keywords: eWOM, social capital, trust, homophily and interpersonal influence, social media


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