A Structural Equation Model: Socio Cultural Influence on Body Image of Pakistani Consumers


  • Dr. Tariq Jalees
  • Dr. Ernest C de Run
  • Huma Tariq


The aim of this paper is to ascertain the media and sociocultural effects on body image of Pakistani consumers. Theoretical grounding forwork of McCabe & Ricciardelli (2001) and Social Comparison Theory.This conceptual framework is inclusive of to media, parent feedback, peers feedback dissatisfaction. Valid sample size was 193. Quota sampling technique was used for allocating samples to different segments. The constructs used in this study have established reliabilities and validities. After ascertaining the normality was adopted for this study which is inclusive of Analysis (3) Validity Analyses (4) CFA for all SEM) (6) Testing the derived hypotheses based on Standardized Estimates and Critical Ratios.The proposed model was found to be relevant behavior towards body image. It was found image (body image dissatisfaction). However, a negative influence was found between peers’ feedback and body image dissatisfaction.This is one of the few studies that have successfully extended McCabe & Ricciardelli (2001), framework in Pakistan. It has also looked beyond the context of the West and tested the model in Pakistan for understanding media and socio cultural influence on body image.Keywords: Social Comparison Theory, Media Exposure, Parent Feedback, Peers Feedback and Body Image Dissatisfaction.


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