Use of Employee Referral: Method of Recruitment at Lower Management in Pakistan


  • Moiz Shamsuddin


The purpose of the study is to determine the best recruitment sources at lower level positions in manufacturing industries in Pakistan. The informal recruiting sources results in less turnover, less absenteeism, more positive work attitudes, and possibly better performance than formal recruiting sources. A major reason determined for this effectiveness is that infor¬mal methods provides the potential candidate a realistic information about the organization, culture, job requirement and working conditions. This improves his performance and commitment towards the organization.The specific objectives of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of recruitment sources, advantages & disadvantages of internal versus external recruitment and the best source of recruitment at lower level. A position analysis questionnaire was designed to determine the popular sources of recruitment and evaluate the referral method of recruiting. The proposed/ target group of this research is 43 executives from recruitment department of nine manufac¬turing firms, e.g. Fertilizer, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Power Generations, Foods and Elec¬tronics. The lower level positions in these industries included: clerical, secretarial, assistants and coordinators. Two hypotheses were developed; Employee referral is the most popular source of recruitment for lower level positions and employees hired through referrals have higher levels of tenure & low turnover at lower level positions in manufacturing industries in Pakistan. Statistical tests included Chi-Square Test to test hypotheses. After completing statis¬tical analysis, both hypotheses were accepted based on results.


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