Factors of Consumer Choice of SmartPhones – A Study on Brand Image and Brand Features


  • Marium Mateen Khan


The research is aimed at exploring the factors and attributes of a smartphone that influence consumers to opt fora particular brand from amongst a wide variety of smartphones along with the investigation of consumer behavior towards those factors and attributes. For this research two factors have been selected which include; the brand image and the brand features. The basic interest of the researcher in this study is to look into the significance of the factors and attributes that are perceived as important by the consumers when they think of purchasing a smartphone. A structured questionnaire was used for the data collection purpose. Data was collected from 300 respondents residing in various areas of Karachi. The research findings revealed that the consumers give preference to brand image over features of a smartphone. Consumers see a smartphone as a part of their personality that enhances their status and self-image in their own eyes as well as in the eyes of their peers.Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Features, Consumer Choice, Consumer Preference.


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