Transformational Leadership and Employee Attributes


  • Sahar Qabool
  • Dr. Tariq Jalees


In the present age of innovation and technology diffusion, many organizations employ a diversified workforce. Past research suggests that a transformational leadership style is needed for managing a diversified workforce. This study examines the impact of transformational leadership on employee engagement, employee performance, self-efficacy, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employee creativity in the banking sector of Pakistan. The valid sample size for the study was 92, with a response rate of 92%. The questionnaire was adopted from earlier studies. The results indicate that transformational leadership does not have a statistically significant influence on self-efficacy and organizational commitment. On the contrary, transformational leadership has a strong effect on employee engagement (R2 = .61), employee performance (R2 = .57), employee creativity (R2 = .52) and job satisfaction (R2 = .52).Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Employee Creativity, Self-Efficacy.


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College of Management Sciences

Vol. XII, No. 2

December 2017

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