The Retention of Generation Y Employees in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Misbah Ameen
  • Irfan Hameed


The retention of employees belonging to generation Y is a problematic issue. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate how compensation package, working environment, growth opportunities and frequent feedback aff ect the retention of generation Y employees. The questionnaire used in the study was adapted from the previous literature. The sample size for the study was 250 and the questionnaire was administered to respondents from selected business organizations. The results indicate that working environment, growth opportunities and frequent feedback tend to enhance the retention of generation Y employees. However, no signifi cant association was found between compensation package and the retention of generation Y employees. The fi ndings of the study need to be carefully analyzed in view of its limitations. The data was gathered from a small sample of business organizations operating in Karachi, Pakistan and selected variables were used. Future studies may investigate the retention of generation Y employees by evaluating a larger sample of business organizations in Pakistan.Keywords: Compensation package, working environment, growth opportunities, frequent feedback, retention of generation Y employees.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Misbah Ameen

Lucky Cement, Karachi, Pakistan

Irfan Hameed

Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan


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