Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Management in the Banking Sector of Karachi


  • Syeda Farah Shahid
  • Syeda Wajiha Kazmi


The paper explores the impact of the dynamic capabilities on knowledge management in the banking sector of Karachi. The study uses responses from 385 commercial bank employees. The statistical results indicate that decision making, coordination, technological and innovative capabilities positively aff ect knowledge management. However, the idea generation capability did not have a signifi cant eff ect on knowledge management. Overall, the results imply that dynamic capabilities play a vital role in strengthening knowledge management which may improve organizational performance. Future studies may examine how dynamic capabilities aff ect knowledge management in diff erent industries operating in Pakistan.Keywords: Decision making capability, coordination capability, idea generation capability, technological capability, innovative capability, knowledge management.

Author Biographies

Syeda Farah Shahid

Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan

Syeda Wajiha Kazmi

Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan


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