Product Packaging and Consumer Purchase Intentions


  • Sidrah Waheed
  • Marium Mateen Khan
  • Nawaz Ahmad


Packaged food products are now available in supermarkets which has increased consumer choice. In addition, competition between packaged food products has also increased. The consumers decision making process is strongly infl uenced by product packaging. Thus, the aim of the study is to measure the eff ect of product packaging (i.e. packaging color, packaging material, font style, packaging design and printed information) on consumer purchase intentions. Consumers of packaged foods in Karachi belonging to the age group of 18-35 years were surveyed through a questionnaire adapted from the earlier studies. The sample size for the study was 278 comprising a response rate of 95%. Preliminary statistical investigation consisted of reliability, validity and normality analyses. The developed hypotheses were empirically examined through regression analysis. The results suggest that all the hypotheses were accepted. The results also indicate that product packaging has a signifi cant eff ect on consumer purchase intentions. It was also found that packaging materialhas the strongest infl uence on consumer purchase intentions followed by packaging color, font style, packaging design and printed information. Future studies may investigate how consumer purchase intentions are infl uenced by other elements of packaging in the context of Pakistan.Keywords: Product packaging, packaging color, font style, packaging design, printed information, consumer buying behavior.

Author Biographies

Sidrah Waheed

Institute of Business Management (IOBM), Karachi, Pakistan

Marium Mateen Khan

Institute of Business Management (IOBM), Karachi, Pakistan

Nawaz Ahmad

Institute of Business Management (IOBM), Karachi, Pakistan


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