Role of Work Engagement and Job Performance in an LMX Environment


  • Saira Naz Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan


The banking environment in Pakistan is quite demanding. Employee motivation level is generally low and turnover intentions are high which has made it difficult for banks to retain talented employees. In view this problem, the study has developed a conceptual framework that has six direct and three indirect relationships. The scope of the study was restricted to the banking sector of Karachi, Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used in the study and the sample size was 220. The results suggest that LMX has a significant effect on creative work involvement, work engagement, job performance and turnover intentions. The study also found that work engagement mediates leader member exchange (LMX) and job performance. Moreover, job performance mediates LMX and turnover intentions while job performance mediates work engagement and turnover intentions. The results suggest that organizations must focus on developing a sustainable LMX environment as it will improve work engagement, job commitment and organizational commitment. This study was restricted to the banking industry of Karachi. Future studies may examine the consequences of LMX in firms based in other cities of Pakistan.Keywords: Job performance, LMX, turnover intentions, work engagement, creative work involvement.


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