Authentic Leadership, Employee Wellbeing and Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing


  • Jehangir Khan The Optimal Engineering Forum (Pvt) Ltd Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Shehla Khan Agha Khan University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Farooq Rasheed Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan


The role of authentic leadership has been stressed in the management literature. We have examined how an authentic leader can influence employee well-being, creativity and knowledge sharing in the context of Pakistan. The results derived from a sample of 200 project managers suggest that authentic leadership plays a significant role in creating a culture of knowledge sharing and creativity. Moreover, leaders are also concerned about the well-being of employees. In addition, authentic leaders through knowledge sharing influence employee creativity. The study recommends that managers should adopt an authentic leadership style as it creates a culture of knowledge sharing and give autonomy to workers. Moreover, authentic leaders are open to new ideas and welcome personal and organizational criticism. This helps employees to relieve their job-related stress which positively influences employee attitude and gives the firm a competitive edge.Keywords: Authentic leadership, knowledge sharing, employee well-being, employee creativity.


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