Challenges of Change Management in SMEs of Pakistan Systematic Narrative Review


  • Zaibunnisa Siddiqi Sukkur Institute of Business Administration
  • Manzoor Mirani Sukkur Institute of Business Administration
  • Shahzad Nasim Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University, Sukkur
  • Muhammad Raza Emaan Institute of Management and Sciences



Narrative review, challenges of CM, CM Models


The aims of the study are revisiting past research papers on the importance of organizational change (OC) and Change management (CM). Effective CM is necessary for every organization to thrive and prosper in the highly competitive market environment. Presently available CM’s theories and approaches to scholars and practitioners are frequently conflicting, lacking mainly empirical evidence. Therefore, this study provides a systematic narrative review on organizational CM  in addition, identifies the challenges faced by organizations during the implementation of change further this study also highlights the suggestions for further research.


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