Work-Life Balance and Job Performance: A Mediating and Moderating Model


  • Asima Faisal IoBM
  • Maha Hameed Sanofi Genzyme Sydney Australia
  • Abdur Rahman Aleemi Institute of Business Management (IoBM)



Job satisfaction, psychological well-being, work-life balance, organizational performance, and intrinsic motivation.


Work-life balance has become a critical issue in the service sector, especially in the banks. Given its importance, we have developed a model with four direct and two indirect hypotheses. We developed a questionnaire based on the past studies, containing five variables and 27 indicator variables. We collected a sample of 433 responses from the private banks of Karachi non-randomly. For statistical analysis, we used the Smart PLS software. The study tested four direct and two indirect hypotheses, and we failed to reject all of them. We found that work-life balance promotes job satisfaction and psychological well-being. And job satisfaction and psychological well-being are precursors of job performance. Psychological well-being mediates work-life balance and job performance. At the same time, we found that intrinsic motivation moderates psychological well-being, work-life balance, and psychological well-being. Apart from other implications, we suggest that organizations develop policies on work-life balance, as it affects organizational performance and psychological well-being. Such policies may increase costs significantly. Thus, while developing such policies, organizations must also examine their sustainability and growth.


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