The The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on the Triple Bottom Lines of Sustainability Performance


  • saira naz Iqra university



Green human resource management, green ability, green motivation, green opportunity, sustainable performance, environmental performance, economical performance, social performance.


The concern for a green environment in the last few years has increased significantly, due to which firms worldwide spend considerable resources on corporate social responsibility. GHRM is a new concept that involves all the stakeholders for a sustainable environment. Given its importance, we have focused on the textile sector of Pakistan because it contributes significantly to economic development and environmental decay. The study collected 565 responses non-randomly from the targeted textile sectors of Karachi. Given its importance, we tested a model with five articulated hypotheses and found green recruitment and selection and green empowerment significantly affect environmental performance. But we found an inverse association between training and development and environmental performance. Perhaps, employees in the textile sectors feel the training in their entities is not relevant to environmental sustainability. We also found an insignificant association between green empowerment and environmental performance. Most of the textile units in Pakistan are family owned, and they often do not empower the employees in decision-making. Green knowledge theoretically should enhance the association between green recruitment and selection, but we found it does not. The results suggest that the textile sector in Pakistan need to focus on this aspect to increase the employees’ green knowledge.


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