Empowerment Of Academic and Non Academic Staff at a Local University: Exploring The Relationship with Organizational Support and Employee Commitment


  • Ume-Amen Amen
  • Najia shaikh


To maximize the output of organization is a cherished objective of every competent manager. One of the effective ways of meeting the targets of organization is to empower its employees. Thus the employees become part and participate in the achievement of the organizational targets. Since universities are larger organizations with systematic rules and regulations, the present study is carried out in a local university to explore a)the correlation between organizational empowerment and perceived organizational support; b) correlation between organizational empowerment and employee commitment; c) correlation between empowerment and organizational trust.To achieve the objectives of this study, literature was reviewed exhaustively and indicators of empowerment were identified. After identification of indicators an instrument was developed, piloted and consistency was calculated. The reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) of tool was .710. The tool was administered on 250 academic and nonacademic subjects of two faculties of University of Sindh Jamshoro. The data was analyzed through SPSS 16 in four parts, i.e., demographical information of respondents, Pearson correlation, Independent sample t test and one way ANOVA.Some of findings of study were: University teachers are highly empowered. The female employees are more empowered than male employees; Subjects with higher qualification are more empowered than lower qualification employees.


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