Mapping the Impact of Employee Engagement on Job Performance with Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance: An Investigation of Private Sector Organizations in Pakistan


  • Hadiqa Riaz Bahria University, Karachi.
  • Hassaan Ahmed Assistant Professor Salim Habib University, Karachi Pakistan
  • Syed Babar Ali



Employee engagement, Cognitive engagement, Behavioral Engagement, Emotional Engagement, Job performance, Work Life Balance.


Employee engagement is rapidly emerging as an antidote for overall organizational success. In the contemporary business environment, engaged employees are essential for the achievement of overall organizational goals. However, there are countless advantages of retaining and attracting an engaged workforce. This paper explores the impact of employee engagement drivers on job performance and the mediating role of work-life balance. Using convenient and snowball sampling, we collected data from 334 employees working in different private sector organizations in Pakistan. Subsequently, we used SPSS and AMOS (Structural Equation Modelling) to ascertain the structural relationship between the study variables. The study found that cognitive and behavioral engagement does not affect job performance, but emotional engagement positively affects job performance. The study also found that work-life balance mediates employee engagement drivers and job performance. Thus, we have inferred that passionate and engaged employees do their job more efficiently, report higher performance, and provide potential growth opportunities for the organization. The study also suggests strategies crucial for employee engagement.


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