Consequences of Spiritual Leadership: A Moderating Model of Organizational Performance


  • Farah Iqbal
  • Muqtader Zahra Zaidi



: Spiritual leadership, workplace spirituality, intrinsic motivation, knowledge sharing, creativity.


Technology and globalization have made businesses highly competitive. The firms' survival depends on adopting new knowledge, developing innovative products, and shifting towards non-congenital strategies. We have developed a new model that focuses on spiritual leaders and a spiritual working environment. These two factors, directly and indirectly, contribute towards intrinsic motivation, knowledge sharing, and creativity. All these factors are significant drives of organizational performance and sustainability. We have collected the data from the banking sector based on a questionnaire adopted from earlier studies. We have distributed 450 questionnaires and received 427 questionnaires. The study found that spiritual leadership stimulates workplace spirituality and intrinsic motivation. At the same time, our result suggests that workplace spirituality and intrinsic motivation are precursors of knowledge sharing.  Intrinsic motivation and knowledge sharing are also antecedents to employee creativity. The study also found that organizational support moderates workplace spirituality. The contribution of this study is that it has used organizational support as a moderator between spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality.  


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