The Impact of Instrumental, Adversarial Network Ties, and Emotional Labor on Job Satisfaction


  • Madiha Shafique Dar Planning and Development Department, Government of Baluchistan Pakistan



: Job satisfaction, social network, instrumental network ties, adversarial network ties, closeness centrality.


In the present technological era, social networks significantly affect job-related outcomes. Given its importance, we examined the effect of “instrumental ties, adversarial ties, and emotional labor on job satisfaction.” And the moderating role of communicative rationale. We collected a sample of 148 employees from a premier telecommunication company in Balochistan. We used Smart PLS for statistical analysis as we had a small sample size. The study found that “instrumental network closeness and emotional labor” promote job satisfaction. Whereas adversarial network closeness “insignificantly affects job satisfaction.” We also found an insignificant association between the moderating role of “communicative rationale on emotional labor and job satisfaction.” We believe healthy and positive relations provide physical comfort and emotional support. Further, the negative relations may distract employees and minimize their ability to focus on the task, but employees preoccupied with their jobs do not get distracted by such ties.


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