Perceived Organizational Support as an Antecedent of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors: Achieving Sustainability of Change Management Efforts


  • Pireh Sikandar Sindh Madrasa-ul-Islam University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Arif Institute of Business Management, Karachi, Pakistan



Tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, perceived organizational support, psychological ownership.


Knowledge is the only way organizations gain sustainable competitive advantage in such a hyper-competitive era. Given its importance, the study examines the antecedents to tacit and explicit knowledge and the mediating role of psychological ownership. We have collected a sample of 157 using online Google forms and physically visiting the banks in certain cases. The study used Smart PLS for statistical analysis. Structural equation modeling was performed on Smart PLS for data analysis as the constructs are reflective. The study found that perceived organizational-support positively influences both dimensions of knowledge-sharing behavior – tacit and explicit knowledge. Psychological ownership positively “mediates perceived organizational support and explicit knowledge sharing.” However, we did not find support for the mediating role of psychological ownership between perceived organizational-support and tacit knowledge sharing. The study recommends the HR department must create awareness of the support it provides to employees. HR professionals must build an all-inclusive workplace culture that embodies organizational support. Furthermore, customized incentives such as extrinsic and intrinsic benefits can encourage employees to share knowledge.


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