The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance with a Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction


  • Syeda Tarum Abbas Naqvi Prime Net International, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Ali Noman Siddiqui National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan



Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, job performance, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


Despite their contribution toward the economy and employment generation, SMEs in Pakistan suffer due to low productivity and poor job performance. Thus, we examined factors affecting job performance and the “mediating impact of job satisfaction on emotional intelligence and job performance.” We collected a sample of 382 local SME employees and used Smart PLS for data analysis. The study found “self-awareness, self-regulation, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction positively affect job performance.” Emotional intelligence “affects job satisfaction,” and job satisfaction mediates “emotional intelligence and job performance.” However, “social skills, motivation, and empathy” insignificantly affect job performance. Emotional intelligence helps understand and manage others’ emotions and solve problematic issues. Therefore, firms must arrange seminars and workshops on emotional intelligence for their employees regularly. Although we did not find a significant effect of social skills and empathy on job performance, they still are important precursors to job-related outcomes, and firms must focus on these aspects as well.


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