A Moderated Model: Task Ambiguity and Task Complexity Moderating Servant Leadership and Employees Turnover Intention


  • Saif-ur Rehman Nazeer Hussian University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Abuzar Wajidi Hands Institute of Development Studies, Karachi-Pakistan




Turnover intention, servant leadership, task ambiguity, task complexity, SMEs in Karachi


Apart from contributing towards GDP and employment generation, SMEs face the challenges of retaining talented employees. Besides other factors, the type of leadership, task ambiguity, and complexity affect employees’ attitudes toward work and organizations. Given its importance, the study examines the effect of “servant leadership, task ambiguity, and complexity” on turnover intention. It also examines the moderating roles of “ambiguity and complexity on turnover intentions” in SMEs in Karachi. We collected a sample of 252 from local SMEs in Karachi. The study found servant leadership negatively affects turnover intention. Task ambiguity and task complexity positively affect turnover intention. Task ambiguity insignificantly moderates “servant leadership and turnover intention. Task complexity significantly moderate servant leadership and turnover intention.  Due to a lack of job description and direction, employees often get confused, adversely affecting their motivation, well-being, and productivity. We suggest leaders delegate jobs by aligning employees’ characteristics, skills, and job requirements. They must be clear about what they expect from the employees by communicating verbally and in writing. Firms must arrange seminars, workshops, and counseling sessions on leadership styles. Such sessions may improve leaders’ attitudes and behaviors toward employees.


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