in Collaboration with PAF

Policy documents

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Student General Discipline Rules

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Protection Against Harassment of Women

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Please note: Individual schools and departments also may maintain additional policies. Such policies, however, do not override these university-wide policies.

Administrative Guide
KIET official manual for administrative policies. Contents include chapters on Organization, Personnel, Accounting, Procurement, Computing and Services.
Publishes University policies governing undergraduate and graduate instruction as well as University academic requirements and degree requirements for majors, minors and honors programs.
Communications Policies
Policies regarding a variety of media-related topics such as filming on campus, photography, and use of the KIET name or emblems.
Employee & Labor Relations Policies
Key policies distributed annually regarding employees and labor issues from the Office of Human Resources.
Environmental Health and Safety
Provides information about policies, procedures and guidelines related to health and safety at KIET. Topics covered include responsibilities, services provided by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), a variety of topics related to workplace safety (e.g. asbestos and ergonomics), the management of hazardous materials wastes and how to prevent and handle emergencies.
Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures
University policies and other information related to the academic progress of KIET graduate
Human Resources Policies and Procedures
A list of processes, policies and procedures on topics important to KIET workplace.
Research Policy Handbook
A collection of policies, guidelines and general information related to the research enterprise at KIET.
Service Center Manual
Policies and practices related to KIET service centers.
Staff Compensation at KIET
A website that provides an overview on compensation-related policies and procedures.

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Computer use policy is applicable for students, alumni, faculty, and staff.

Please note: On violation of the computer use policy, institute’s management has the right to take strict disciplinary action.


Following are computer use policies but are not limited to the below list:


1.     Use only own authorized account for information system, email and computer.

2.     Authorizing someone to use your information system, email and computer is prohibited.

3.     Do not use software which effects negatively on the network.

4.     Users are not allowed to use unlicensed software or material.

5.     Creation, execution, storing of such programs, abusing messages, images, or materials are prohibited.

6.     Accessing of computers through institute’s network or internet for which you are not authorized is not allowed.

7.     User must inform MIS office if he/she finds security loopholes in information system. For example, if MIS has allowed user to view, insert, update, and delete the data for main campus but he/she is able to perform view, insert, update, and delete operations on other campus data.

8.     Sending advertising text messages or emails without approval is prohibited.

9.     Monitoring of other user’s electronic communications or reading /changing /deleting the other user’s material without consent are prohibited.

10.  Making abusing or harassing comments on social media page are prohibited.

11.  Activities will not be considered as misuse if user is performing an activity on order of institute’s officials.


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