Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): Market Forces Issue 19 Volume 2
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About the Journal

Market Forces is a bi-annual, double blind peer reviewed research journal published in June and December by the College of Management Sciences, Karachi institute of Economics and Technology, Pakistan. The journal is recognized by theHigher Education Commission of Pakistan in Y-category. Market Forces is internationally abstracted and indexed by Ulrich, Crossref, EuroPub, WorldCat, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), OCLC, Google Scholar and Citefactor. The journal has an advisory and review board consisting of distinguished professionals from leading institutions in Pakistan and aboard. The journal publishes research papers, case studies, book reviews, policy papers and conference reports in the domain of management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics, supply chain management and contemporary issues. Market Forces has received wide acclaim from academic and research circles internationally and in Pakistan. The journal does not charge any article publication or processing fees from the authors.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines
The authors are requested to submit their manuscripts as per the following guidelines:
1. Use the Times New Roman font style with 12 points and double spacing.
2. The manuscript should be of approximately 5000 to 7000 words.
3. Illustrations/tables or figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be inserted appropriately within the text.
4. The first page of the manuscript should contain the Title, name(s), email addresses and institutional affiliations of all the authors.
5. The manuscript must include an abstract of around 300 words.
6. All the text citations, references and tables should be in accordance with the APA format.
7. The manuscript should adhere with all the relevant guidelines in the APA publication manual.
8. The manuscript must avoid all forms of plagiarism and abide by ethical guidelines discussed in the APA publication manual.
9. The authors can submit their manuscript through email at [email protected] or through the Journal’s webpage at

Review Policy & Procedures
1. All manuscripts are screened for plagiarism as per HEC guidelines.
2. All manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor who either accepts the manuscript for the review process or rejects it.
3. The manuscripts accepted for review go through the double-blind review process.
4. In this review process one reviewer is a local expert and the other is a renowned international expert.
5. The decision to publish or reject the manuscript are based on the reviewers’ comments.
6. The editorial board ensures that all the changes recommended by the reviewers are incorporated in the manuscripts before publication.
7. The authors who have submitted their manuscript online can track the status of their manuscript on the web page.
8. Additionally, the editorial team at each stage updates the authors on the status of their manuscripts. It usually takes about one year for publication of the manuscripts.